Thursday, 29 May 2014

Testing on various Browsers using Selenium Webdriver

      We will learn to write a Script to open and Launch a new browser and open the desired URL. Selenium webdriver supports all important browsers like 
                    1) Firefox
                    2) Chrome
                    3) IE
                    4) Safari
                    5) Opera

       Opera and safari browsers are not very stable using selenium. Hence we will concentrate on Firefox, Chrome and IE.

       A)     Firefox Browser

               1.       Write the below code to open Firefox browser and open the URL.

      public void openfirefox()
            WebDriver driver1= new FirefoxDriver ();

              2.       Explanation of the code

a) WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
b) WebDriver: It is a predefined imported Class from “open.openqa.selenium”
c) Driver : This is name of the new object created.
d) driver.get--->WebDriver's get() method is used to launch a new browser session and directs it to the URL that you specify as its parameter. You can specify the URL to be opened.

      3.       The above code, will launch Firefox browser and open the URL (



           B)     Chrome Browser

1.       Write the below code to open Chrome browser and open the URL.

      public void openchrome()
            WebDriver driver2 =new ChromeDriver();
2.       The script will give an error.  “ The path to the driver executable must be set by the system property”.
3.       For resolving this error , go to
And download the chrome driver for you PC (64Bit or 32 Bit).

4.       Now save the downloaded chromedriver.exe on your machine.
5.       Right click on the package and add source folder. Name the folder chromedriver. Now place the exe file inside this folder.
6.       Now write the modified code to run chrome browser.
      public void openchrome()
            WebDriver driver2 =new ChromeDriver();
7.       Explanation of code

a)       setProperties method changes the set of system properties for the current running application. These changes are not persistent. That is, changing the system properties within an application will not affect future invocations of the Java interpreter for this or any other application. The runtime system re-initializes the system properties each time its starts up. If changes to system properties are to be persistent, then the application must write the values to some file before exiting and read them in again upon startup.
b)      getProperty method returns a string containing the value of the property. If the property does not exist, this version of getProperty returns null.
c)       User.dir - User working directory

In this, you set the chrome driver’s path, using the chromedriver downloaded and then launch the chrome browser from the project path.

              C)    IE Browser

1.       Write the following code for launching IE browser and opening the URL.
      public void openie()
            WebDriver driver3 =new InternetExplorerDriver();

2.       When you run the above code it will give you same error as for chrome browser. The path to the driver executable must be set by the system property”.

3.       So Download IE driver from

4.       Now save the exe file to you folder.

5.       Create a source folder in your project package and keep the exe file over there.
Rightclick on Package --> Add new source folder--> Copy the exe file to your project.

6.       Now write the modified code to IE browser

      public void openie()
            WebDriver driver3 =new InternetExplorerDriver();
7.             Now the above script will run successfully.

8.       In the above script , you set the IE driver’s path, using the IE downloaded and then launch the IE browser from the project path.

Sample Script for Browser  Testing Using Selenium Webdriver.

 package TestPackage;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

public class BrowsersTest {
//  Open Firefox Browser

    public void openfirefox()
        WebDriver driver1= new FirefoxDriver ();
    // Open Chrome Browser
    public void openchrome()
        System.setProperty(("userdir")+ "chromedriver\\chromedriver.exe","chromedriver.exe");
        WebDriver driver2 =new ChromeDriver();
    // Open IE browser

    public void openie()
        WebDriver driver3 =new InternetExplorerDriver();



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