What is Test Suite?
A Test Suite is a grouping unit test cases together and running it. In JUnit, both @RunWith and @Suite annotations are used to run the suite test.
If you want to run multiple tests
together, you should go for a Test Suite to organise the tests.
2. To create a Test suite, Right Click on the package, Select Junit --> Test Suite. Click on Next.
3. After clicking on Next another window will shop up with list of all the tests inside the package.
4. A Test suite with the name AllTests.java will be created.
5.The test suite contains 2 junit annotations added with name = @RunWith and @SuiteClasses.
@RunWith annotation will references junit to
run test in class and
@SuiteClasses describes classes included in
that test suite.
6. When you run this test suite a junit , it will run both the test one by one and the result will be printed on the console.
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